Spaghetti Bolognese

We believe that most of people like Spaghetti Bolognese, whatever you are in home or eating outside. Today I will introduce a recipe of cooking Spaghetti Bolognese, which is healthier and popular with children.
Raw Material Preparation:
- 500g tomato
- 150g beef
- 200g pasta
Seasoning Preparation:
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1/4 tsp salt
- Appropriate amount of cheese powder
- Wash the tomatoes and cut a cross knife on the top, the shallower ones are better, pour boiling water on them, peel the skins, and chop them into pieces with our Geedel pull food chopper.
- Wash the beef and dry the surface with kitchen paper, then use a pull food grinder to grind the beef into minced beef.
- Put a little olive oil in the pot and heat it up, pour in the minced beef and stir-fry until it is browned and scattered.
- Add tomatoes, turn to medium-low heat, and stir fry with a spatula.
- Pound the tomato until it becomes a paste, continue to simmer on low heat until it becomes thick, add salt and crushed black pepper and stir well.
- Cook the pasta according to the time indicated on the package, let it cool down, put it on a plate, pour sauce on it, and sprinkle with a little cheese powder.